
I remember having trouble learning the articles, I know it now, so I want to help you learn them too :

  Definite: (I want that one)

Le, La, Les, L’ = “THE”


Les = Plural

Le = Masculin (male)

La = Feminin (female)

L’ = (Comes before a vowel or a silent “H”)


Sometimes when a word ends with an “E” it is feminin, sometimes a word is acceptable to start it with “Le”, if a word does not end with an “E”, then it is masculin.


VOWELS : A, E, I, O, U or an H, if a word begins with one of these letters you start the word with L’.


           Indefinite (I want any)

Un, Une, Des = “A”


Un = Masculin

Une = Feminin

Des = Plural (Plural = more than one.)


When there is a word that ends with an “E”, it is most likely to have an “une” in front of it, for example : Une table (a table). But this does not work all the time, some words are feminin without an “E” at the end, but you can use to help you.


If a word is masculin, you have to spell “un” in front of it. Again, you can use to help you.


Remember, if a word is plural, you must put “des” in front of it because it is more than one thing.


              Partitive (I want any)

De l’, Des, Du, De la = Some

( When you use Partitive articles, you are saying you want something but not saying how much you want. )


De l’ (before a vowel or a silent H)

Des (before a plural noun)

Du (before a masculin noun)

De la (before a feminin noun)



Au, A la, A l’, Aux = To the\ In the \  At the


Au ( Masculin )

A la ( Feminin )

A l’ ( Comes before a vowel or a silent “H”)

Aux ( Plural )


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