What I Learned In Jewish Studies (Term Two)

Hey guys! It’s MJ, and I am here for another post! Today’s post is all about what I learned in my Jewish Studies class in term two! I found this subject really interesting because we got to learn about so many Jewish traditions! We learned about stuff like Tefillin, the Tallit, Bar/Bat mitzvah, and so […]

L’histoire du Pompéi

Il y a longtemps quand les personnes de la petite ville Pompéi étaient heureux, parce que le volcan a fait éruption! Et aujourd’hui je parle tout sur l’histoire. Pompéi était une petite mais belle ville, tout le monde était heureux, les enfants jouaient avec leurs amis, les mamans cuisinent, les jeunes aidaient leur mamans, et […]

My rocket! 🚀

Hi guys! So (already a while ago..) my class did a little project… So we were learning about flight, you know, the molecules and everything… So after we’ve done all the work… we got to do a fun project. We got paper, and we got to make a rocket. We got to shoot it out, […]

Truth and Reconciliation

Hi guys! It’s Maya here! And today’s post is all about TRUTH and RECONCILIATION. Reconciliation means repair friendship. For example, After years of conflict, the two parties have agreed to meet with the goal of reconciliation.   I long time ago, Canada started special school made for the indigenous peoples. We called those residential schools, […]

Me In Numbers

Hey guys! It’s Maya again! Today I will be talking about Me In Numbers! So in this slide we talk about things we like and do in our everyday lives and say it in a form of math. For example, I say a bunch of stuff I love and I put it in a pie […]