The Middle School Retreat

Hi! It’s me again! Maya! And today I will be talking about this years MIDDLE SCHOOL RETREAT. This year we went to an obstacle course on monday. It was a bit of an adventure… The obstacle course was much harder than I anticipated… I loved it so much, but it was HARD! I really recommend […]

My Science Project

Hey guys! Its been a while… Well, I’m back! Today’s blog post is about the science project my class did (P.S people are still working on it while I’m making this blog post.). We had to make a structure and it had to go through a storm but just a version of the storm, I […]

Solar energy (Innovation project)

Hey guys! It’s your pal, Maya. Today I will be talking about my innovation project which is solar energy themed. When we are making this project, our goal is to figure out a way of how to use solar panels in parks, without  it hurting the environment. As I said earlier, I am doing my […]

My mosaic

Hey guys!!! It’s Maya! Hoping you’re doing great! Today’s post is all about my mosaic (I made in art…) Incase you don’t know what a mosaic is, it’s a kind of art were different shapes come together to make a picture, If you don’t know what I’m talking about, here’s some examples : Those are […]

Passe compose story

Mes vacance au Mexique Bonjour, aujourd’hui j’ai fait  une présentation sur mes vacances au Mexique. Au Mexique j’ai eu des moments magnifiques, J’ai été à Cancun au Mexique. Pendant mes vacances, il y a eu un parc aquatique vraiment amusant. Ma famille et moi avons eu une belle chambre d’hôtel.  J’ai eu un lit TELLEMENT  […]

My Matter Project (Plastic Pollution)

Hey guys! I hope your all doing well, Today’s post is all about my matter project about plastic pollution,   during the making a project, me and callie’s goal was to make a commercial about plastic pollution and how its harming our animals and even-US. The kind of project was optional, you could have chose Melting […]